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Freedom Bag Food Drive

Through this initiative we provide groceries, PPE, toiletries and educational materials for community members throughout the Tri-County area including historic downtown Charleston and North Charleston


Contactless Delivery Every 3rd Saturday.




We've got you.


Field School

Our goal is to connect oppressed nationality youth to the field of Heritage Interpretation via a field school that will provide them training to become National Association for Interpretation - Certified Interpretive Guides. Field School participants will also visit local heritage sites where they will learn about local natural and cultural history. Our hope is to empower young people in the Lowcountry to reclaim how their stories are told and better position them to access tourism dollars to close racial disparities.

Land Acquisition & Freedom Farming

Our goal is to raise funds to purchase land in the lowcoutry and create liberated zones. While we acquired funds we will develop test plots and community gardens known as Freedom Farms where we can sharpen our skills around growing food and supplement the grocery bags for our monthly Freedom Bag Food Drive.

Freedom Food Drive

Our goal is to share 1000 Freedom Bags with our community members this year. We partner with the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture to provide Freedom Bags to families in need in in the Tri-County area every 3rd Saturday of the month.


Our food drive events are called “Freedom Bag Food Drives” and are community and grant funded initiatives.

Freedom Bags include non-perishable grocery items, fresh organic produce, personal protective equipment and educational material. To help us, click here.

Cultural Programming

Cultural Programming or Revolutionary Cultural Initiatives are designed to turn African cultural habits in the South Carolina Lowcountry toward their revolutionary potential, focusing on base-building within the community, addressing survival and psychological needs, and introducing potential members to the organization.


These programs, campaigns, and services are infused with African-centered, anti-imperialist, and anti-capitalist political education, built upon collective and communal ideals. They emphasize the interconnectedness of individuals within a community and extended family, prioritizing collective well-being over individual needs, and valuing shared responsibility, cooperation, generosity, and respect for elders as key components of a cohesive society.


Informed by both international and local perspectives on the New Afrikan Revolution, these cultural/arts-based survival programs aim to move the masses toward a higher, more dignified, clear-headed, unified, and militant consciousness, acting on the need for a revolution of values.

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