Defeat Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia
Xenophobia, and All Other Forms of Bigotry
Although the Lowcountry Action committee has a specific focus on the fight against institutional racism and the self determination of our people, we understand that neither things are possible while related forms of oppression remain intact. We defend the human rights of all those who are unjustly oppressed.
1. We want freedom. We believe the Black community in the Lowcountry has the right to self-determination in the form of Control over resources, institutions, education/programming in our community
2. We want collective economic funding and support to eliminate the historical disparities in our communities caused by centuries of slavery, Jim Crow segregation, and systemic racism against Black people in the Lowcountry.
3. An end to the gentrification of historically Black communities, and an end to the theft of Gullah Geechee land in the Lowcountry.
4. We want a culturally competent curriculum and fully-funded public schools that teach our children the true nature of American society and the historical role of Black people.
5. We want an immediate end to police brutality, over-policing, and COMMUNITY CONTROL OVER THE POLICE.
6. We want clean, maintained, and quality housing for our people.
7. We want access to clean water and healthy food for our people.
8. We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.
9. We want the immediate decriminalization of marijuana and the immediate release of all Black people who have been charged with any crimes related to the distribution or consumption of marijuana.
10. We want fully-funded and organized youth programs, including trade development programs.
11. An end to the deadly US economic blockade against Cuba, an end to the travel ban, to normalize relations and to recognize Cuba's accomplishments and contributions to the world.
12. An end to the US-funded, genocidal Israeli occupation of Palestine and the Elbit Systems in Ladson, SC to be shut down so our local tax dollars aren't funding genocide.
13. Legalization for all!